How to fix the ads.txt file issue in Adsense?

How to fix the ads.txt file issue in Adsense?

How to fix the ads.txt file issue in Adsense?
Creating and implementing an ads.txt file is an important step in ensuring that your Google AdSense account is authorized to display ads on your website. The ads.txt file helps prevent ad fraud by allowing advertisers to verify that your website is a legitimate publisher. To issue and implement an ads.txt file for AdSense, follow these steps:
Access Your Website's Server or CMS: If you have direct access to your website's server, you can create and upload the ads.txt file directly. If you're using a Content Management System (CMS) like Blogger then

check the Ads.txt Issue Notification: Log in to your Google AdSense account.
Look for any notifications or alerts related to your ads.txt file. Google will typically provide details about the issue.

Identify the Issue
: Read the notification carefully to understand the specific issue with your ads.txt file. Google may provide information about what's missing or incorrect.

Access Your Blogger Dashboard: Go to and sign in with the Google account that is associated with your Blogger blog.

Go to the "Settings" Section: In the Blogger dashboard for your blog, navigate to the "Settings" section on the left-hand menu.

Click on "monetization": Under the "Settings" section, click on "Enable custom ads.txt"

Edit Your Custom ads.txt File: Scroll down to the "Custom ads.txt" section.

Click on it put this code given below and save it, pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your actual AdSense publisher ID.

Correct the Ads.txt Issue:
Review the content of your custom ads.txt file.
Make any necessary corrections or additions based on the issue mentioned in the AdSense notification.
For example, if the issue is related to your publisher ID, ensure that the line in your ads.txt file is correctly formatted and contains your AdSense publisher ID:

If you're using a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, you can create and upload the file through the CMS.

Create the ads.txt File: Open a text editor (e.g., Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on macOS).
Create a new plain text file.
Add the following lines to the file, pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your actual AdSense publisher ID.

Save the File:
Save the file as "ads.txt" (without quotes) on your computer.

Upload the ads.txt File to Your Server: If you have access to your server via FTP or a file manager: Navigate to the root directory of your website (often called "public_html" or "www").
Upload the ads.txt file to this directory.

Verify the Implementation: To verify that the ads.txt file is correctly implemented, go to in your web browser, replacing "" with your actual domain.
You should see the content of the ads.txt file displayed in your browser.

Check Your AdSense Account: After implementing the ads.txt file, log in to your AdSense account.
Go to "Settings" and select "Account" in the left menu.
Under the "Account Information" section, check the "AdSense Linking Status." It should show as "Active."

Wait for Verification: Google's systems will periodically check your ads.txt file for authorization. It may take some time for the verification process to complete.

Monitor for Issues: After implementation, periodically check your AdSense account for any ads.txt issues or notifications. Google will provide guidance on any problems that arise.
It's crucial to keep your ads.txt file up-to-date and accurate. If you make changes to your AdSense account or website setup, you may need to update the file accordingly.

By following these steps, you should be able to issue and implement an ads.txt file in your AdSense account to ensure proper authorization for displaying ads on your website.
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